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Our guarantees to Local Authorities

  1. A swift and uncomplicated referral process, with a designated member of our Public Sector Team as your point of contact throughout.
  2. Councils will not at any stage be charged for our services. Where there are assets in an estate, we are usually paid for our work by way of a commission arrangement with the next of kin.
  3. We will accept all referrals, regardless of the likely/estimated value of the deceased person’s estate.
  4. When the deceased person’s estate is likely to be of very low to zero value, we will nevertheless make every effort to locate one family member, and report back to you with their details without delay. If a referral is received at a sufficiently early stage, we would hope to trace a family member in time for them to have the option of attending the funeral, or to make their own preferred funeral arrangements.
  5. When an estate’s value is estimated at approximately £5,000 or above, we will initiate a search for a Will, if appropriate. Should a valid Will be located, we will put you in contact with whoever holds the Will.
  6. Progress updates provided at a regularity according to your preference.
  7. In cases of intestacy, we will recommend the family member acting as Administrator to instruct one of our panel of independent solicitors who are highly experienced in estate administration; the solicitor will contact you to request any details you may have of the deceased’s assets and liabilities, and will relieve you of any administrative burden as soon as possible.
  8. Once a Grant of Letters of Administration has been obtained on behalf of the Administrator, the solicitor will prioritise the reimbursement of the Local Authority for any costs or administrative expenses incurred during their involvement at the earliest possible stage of the administrative process.
  9. We are happy to offer a Service Level Agreement detailing the service and quality standards expected in public sector procurement, which can be adapted to your requirements.
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